Starting April 1, LoveCrafts has invited us to join in the #TogetherWeMake 30 Day Craft Project – a free, global craft project open to everyone!
Each day brings a different theme for inspiration along with FREE patterns and project inspiration to keep you motivated. The first five days are already on their website.
Nana is so excited to take part – I am already signed up!
Knit, Crochet, Sew, Draw, Collage, Scrapbook, Paint – whatever your craft you can join in. Or, learn something you always wanted to try!
Join the Facebook group and be inspired by other makers on The 30 Day Craft Project. Or follow along on Instagram and don’t forget to tag #TogetherWeMake #LoveCrafts and #whatsnanamaking.
The first five days of inspiration have already been posted and include:
- Day One: Self-portrait
- Day Two: Whatever the Weather
- Day Three: Sensational Stripes
- Day Four: Round and Round
- Day Five: Pattern Perfection
You can find more “hints” by downloading the calendar.

They also provide you with a FREE making journal.

Being in quarantine, I am not allowed any where near people until this time next week, so I will be relying on my stash of WIPs.
Day One – My Self-Portrait
For the first project, I am cheating a little and using a project that I just finished! The challenge – make today about you!!
Well, this little crafter granny, certainly reminds me of ME!! So my first project was to show off the personality of my little doll. Isn’t she cute? Just like me!!

You can find the link to this pattern, on our sister site – Nana’s Favorites!
Day Two – Whatever the Weather
It is still cold and snowy here in Northern Canada, so I dug my snowmen quilt out of the closet where they have been hiding for quite sometime!! I have decided to applique at least one square today!

The pattern is from a VERY old Block of the Month club called the Snowman Collector from Stitch Connection. I “inherited” the pattern probably 10 years ago but still love these quirky snowmen. I do plan to finish one day (hopefully soon).
Nana plans on sharing her #togetherwemake projects on instagram @whatsnanamaking2019 and on special weekly blog posts, so watch for them! I do hope you join in this challenge. It will be so much fun to see your creations. Tag them on Instagram with #whatsnanamaking so I know it’s you!!
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