Nana joined the #togetherwemake 30 Day Craft Project challenge starting April 1. LoveCrafts has invited us to join in the #TogetherWeMake 30 Day Craft Project – a free, global craft project open to everyone! Each day brings a different theme for inspiration along with FREE patterns and project inspiration to keep you motivated.
Today I am sharing all Nana’s projects for Days 19-22!! If you want to see all my creations, you can find the links in Part one HERE.
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Today’s prompt is about taking the time to tell someone you are thinking about them. There’s nothing more heartwarming than connecting to someone – especially when you’re apart.
So, I went to Shutterfly. They have so many things to make using photos it was so hard to decide. Photo books, home decor, shopping bags, calendars, jewelry, notebooks, phone cases, mugs, desk accessories, kitchen linens…..You can make all of this and more…..
My kids love looking at our photobooks when they visit, so for me, it was the cover page of our family scrapbook. I may use this collage to make myself something special as well.

It’s Sunday – time to play with grandkids in a video call!
Today is all about music. It’s time to feel the rhythm. Nana decided to stitch along to the beat and make these musical mug rugs. No pattern, just leftover fabrics!

Sprinkle some of that cosmic magic into your crafting today. And tonight, make a wish upon a star.

This crocheted star garland was fun and easy. I have so many places to put it, I just need to figure out which I like best!! I am thinking my stars look a little more like starfish, they will likely become part of the bathroom.
Today is about celebrating planet earth. Think about how to be a greener maker, reuse and recycle, and celebrate eco-friendly designs and yarns.
It’s EARTH day and Nana picked one of the items from her Zero Waste Pinterest board to create today. The winner? These washable and reusable covers for your Swiffer Sweeper!

I used this pattern and tutorial from Natural Nesters and some old hand towels I found in my rag bag. It was so easy, I made two covers in minutes.
HINT: I did not cut three pieces, I just cut one piece 17 inches long and folded over each end 3 inches. One hand towel made 3 covers and it took me only 15 minutes!!
I would love to see some of your projects!! Don’t forget to join the Facebook group and be inspired by other makers on The 30 Day Craft Project. Or follow along on Instagram and tag your photos #TogetherWeMake #LoveCrafts and #whatsnanamaking.
Watch for the Days 23-26 on Monday!!