Nana joined the #togetherwemake 30 Day Craft Project challenge starting April 1. LoveCrafts has invited us to join in the #TogetherWeMake 30 Day Craft Project – a free, global craft project open to everyone! Each day brings a different theme for inspiration along with FREE patterns and project inspiration to keep you motivated.
Come see Nana’s projects for Days 15-18!! If you want to see all my creations, you can find the links in Part one HERE.
I always wanted to make this gorgeous candle light and when I saw today’s prompt, I knew exactly what I was making. I love how the light reflects on the table and wall casting a soft glow.

The FREE pattern is available HERE. My version was made with Paintbox DK Cotton in Melon.
Today is about adapting a pattern, making it your own, customising, or going crazy for colour! And when I looked around my house, when I looked back on past creations and when I read my previous blog posts; I knew that today was all about ME! Who is Nana??

So I wrote a new blog post about how I go my own way, the crafts I love and how I make them mine!
It is easy to make things for our families and loved ones but to take time to make something nice for strangers is a true test of our love for our fellow man. Last year, Nana took the time to make 20 dresses and 10 pairs of shorts for children in need. You can read all about it in the Sew For Charity five-part series Nana wrote last year.

When I was organizing my craft closet (see Day 7), I found quite a few more yards of fabric that will be perfect for me to make more dresses this year. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get them done today (plus I would like to get some fancy trims), but I pulled the fabric out of the closet into plain site and pledge to make more this year. To prove that I do, I will update Part 5 of the Sew for Charity Series when done!!
PS. This has become my sister’s isolation project as she uses up her yardage stash!
Nostalgia is the name of the game today. Today is about reminiscing.
And what perfect timing! As I cleaned my closet (Day 7), I came across some VERY old patterns. Most were things I made my children, but some were things my mother made me!! You all know that I am a Nana, so you can guess how old these are!

I was also reminiscing when I wrote my blog on Day 16 and dug out Mom’s old recipes on Day 14. This week, I spent a lot of time looking back on all the things I made that still reside in my home. What a great day I had!!
I would love to see some of your projects!! Don’t forget to join the Facebook group and be inspired by other makers on The 30 Day Craft Project. Or follow along on Instagram and tag your photos #TogetherWeMake #LoveCrafts and #whatsnanamaking.
Watch for the next projects Days 19-22 on Thursday!
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