Part 5 – Britches for Boys
Well, it took a while but I am finally here with the final post in my Sewing for Charity series. And how timely, TODAY is International Day of Charity and what a better way to celebrate!!
As you may recall, I recently decided to support a special project by sewing dresses for girls. You can read how this sewing for charity project all started in Part One. Find out all about pillowcase dresses and what they are. And what made me decide to sew so many of them.
But what about the boys? Little Dresses for Africa also promotes sewing for boys with the Britches for Boys campaign.
Boys’ play shorts are so easy to make and unless you want pockets, a waistband or zipper, you really don’t need a pattern. You can simply trace around a pair of pants, shorts or PJ’s that you already have.

Because I have no boys in my house, I used an old pattern I found in my stash from way back in 1997. Must have been from my sister because I had no boys in my life at that time? Styles for shorts don’t change much during the years so the pattern worked well.
The eight yards of fabric that I purchased (see Part 1), made 12 pairs of shorts – 4 pairs of small (size 2) and 8 pairs of medium (size 6).
If you are not using a pattern, fold a pair of pants, shorts or PJ’s in half ensuring you have the shape of the crotch portion lying flat. Place this on top of your fabric.

Place this on top of your fabric. Cut around the shorts, adding a 5/8″ seam allowance to the edges and 1-1/4″ to tops and bottoms.
You will need 4 pieces in total. 2 for the front and 2 for the back.

If you cut two pieces out at the same time they will be exactly the same!!

Sew two fronts and two backs together at center seam.

If you do not have a serger, either zigzag the seam allowance or sew twice to reinforce the seam.
Next, match the front and back together at the crotch and sew the inner leg seams. Start approximately 1-2 inches from the crotch and sew down each leg. This will reinforce the seams in the crotch area (where pants typically split open)


I find it easier to press my casing and hems under before sewing the side seams. Press as indicated in your pattern (see below), open to sew the side seam, then press again only at the seam. This avoids trying to get your iron into small spaces.
Place the front and back together and sew side seams. Start at the top and sew down toward the bottom of the legs.
To form the casing for the elastic, press the top of the shorts under 1/4″, then press under another 1″.

Sew close to the folded edge leaving an opening for the elastic.

Topstitch close to the top edge. You do not need to leave an opening for the elastic on this edge.
Cut a piece of elastic the size of the child’s waist plus 1 inch. No child? I used 20 inches for Size 2 and 22 inches for Size 6 based on the sizing chart on my pattern.

Using a safety pin, thread the elastic through the casing being careful not to twist the elastic.

Overlap the elastic one inch and sew both ends.
If the child is available, you may wish to try on the shorts at this point and adjust the elastic if necessary.
Sew the opening closed stretching the elastic to keep the fabric flat.
As with the casing, press under 1/4 inch, then again 1″. Sew close to the folded edge.
TA DA – You are done!!
The 20 dresses and 12 pairs of shorts are now ready for shipment!!
As requested by LFDA, I sorted the dresses and shorts by size, wrapped them in tissue and labelled them. As luck would have it, all the items fit into the same box in which the fabric arrived.

I included a letter with my story. If you want confirmation that your shipment was received by LFDA include a self-addressed stamped envelope in the package. I then headed to the post office and am now looking forward to hearing that my dresses and shorts arrived safely!
It feels so good to be able to do something special for these kids. And thank you to all of you who joined in this sewing for charity project. And to those who shared my posts for others to participate.
If you joined, please share your projects with me on Facebook or Instagram @whatsnanamaking2019 #nanasewsforcharity. I have made a Pillowcase Dresses group board so please send me your request to join and post!
Please don’t stop – I am thinking of making more next summer! Any sewing for charity project would make a great project for teachers, church groups, seniors, girl scouts and nanas to be able to create something together while helping others.
This so awesome! Many kudos to you. I don’t sew, but I am crocheting blankets for the Linus Project.