Today I was prompted by the #togetherwemake project to “Go My Own Way”. To adapt a pattern, making it my own, customizing, or going crazy for colour! And when I looked around my house, when I looked back on past creations and when I read my previous blog posts; I knew that today was all about ME! Who is Nana??
So what is my passion? To create. And I do this through various mediums – quilting and sewing, crocheting, painting and crafts. Come see who Nana is and what Nana is making?
They say that a creation is a reflection of who we are. We choose the pattern, the color, and put our heart into finishing each and every thing we make. Even if we use a purchased pattern, the final result is in our hands. And the beauty of handmade is that little touch of imperfection, that hidden mistake and the joy you feel while creating.
In my early days, I tried a lot of crafts – needlepoint, embroidery, stained glass, knitting, and more. As early as twelve, I was sewing and crocheting, When I became a mother, I sewed clothes for my kids and as a Girl Guide leader, one of my favorites was Craft Night.
And now, as Nana, I still love creating for my family. I am sewing and crocheting for the grandkids now! My main focus these days is quilting and sewing, crocheting and painting (yes, I paint everything!)
Sewing has been a part of my life since I was young – learning to sew on my mother’s treadle machine! I got my first machine at age 14 and I have sewn pretty much everything! Pillow, drapes, clothes, costumes and more!
Most of the clothes I have sewn were from patterns, but last year I had the opportunity to be creative and “go my own way” making pillowcase dresses for charity.

I have also adapted a few patterns and shared tips and hints with you on how-to add ruffles, sew with stretch, sew curves and more!

Perhaps the most creative thing I ever made was Baby Shark. HINT: He sings. I truly was going my own way with this!

Although, I have always sewn, I only discovered quilting about 10 years ago. When I retired, 7 years ago, my dear husband bought me a fabulous machine and I have not stopped creating. It is with quilting that I “Go my own way” the most.

I have only ever used two purchased patterns and adapted a number of free patterns but mostly, I create the patterns myself. They are not art quilts but rather simple, built with love, designs. The craziest I made was a king-size crazy quilt for my daughter of which I have no picture!!

And I also created a new heirloom quilt out of my daughter’s baby blanket

Plus, I made this memory quilt for a special friend of the family.
Every member of my family, including the son-in-laws, has a TV quilt (aka Rag Quilt). From Star Wars to zombies, superheroes and sports to hearts and butterflies, each quilt was designed especially for them.

And when I design patterns, I love sharing them with you!

I also love applique and usually design my own. The applique on this quilt was made from coloring book images!

I also love applique and usually design my own. This applique on this quilt was made from coloring book images!
Crocheting is a passion that I recently rediscovered. I started crocheting very young and made dresses and doilies – even a tablecloth for my niece’s wedding. But I put it away for quite a few years only to pick up again last year when writing the “Learn to Crochet” series. YES, I was learning along with you!

I have now gone crazy. Each grandchild has a sweater and I am now working on the third one for me! Nana’s Favorites pattern index is actually a collection of patterns that are on my wish list!!
We also learned how to amigurumi, substitute yarn in a pattern and speak a new language. I also shared how to adapt a pattern to make it my own, by adding buttonholes.

I don’t write a lot about my painting because I paint for me. My home is full of my work whether it be painted furniture, walls or actual paintings.
If it’s made of wood, I paint it!!

Here I painted the end of the wall because I didn’t know where to make a color change!

Even the railing didn’t escape my brushes.
This furniture was my mother’s and was repurposed for use in my guestroom.

Although I have been asked, I have not sold any of my paintings, but here are a few samples

My blog!! I love talking with you all and I love sharing the FREE patterns on Nana’s Favorites site. When I blog I always “GO MY OWN WAY”!!
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