Nana’s Garage Sale Tips on How to Make the most from Garage Sales
With September just around the corner, the biggest garage sales are about to happen in my neighborhood and probably yours. So just what is a crafter like me going to find at my local garage sales? TONS!!
Read on for some great garage sale tips on what to look for, when to go and more ….
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.
This has been something many of us hear from those professional garage sale shoppers, but if you have never been to a garage sale you really need to go. There are many treasure’s out there to be found.
In my Grandmother’s Day, rummage sales were the big thing. As a little girl, I fondly remember attending the annual rummage sale in the basement of the church and bringing home my new treasures. Now sales not only take place in church basements but in yards and garages across the country.

The biggest garage sale that happens close to my hometown is a town wide sale that is held in a nearby town. Hundreds of vendors gather on main street and open their garages on the second Saturday of September to sell their trash aka your treasure!
The following are some garage sale tips I learned in my years of treasure hunting!
You will feel like you found a goldmine if you see a table full of fabric, a box filled with skeins of yarn, bags of buttons and rolls of lace, and all priced from 25 cents to a dollar or two.

But beyond the obvious, look for vintage linens, tablecloths, blankets and sheets that can be used for fabric or that colorful blouse that would make a fabulous pillow cover. Could you use the handles from that ugly purse? Or the fasteners from that old backpack? Old jewelry can be redesigned as trim, used as beads, etc.

Don’t forget to bring a tape measure with you when you hit the sales. Also, pack some small bills for payment (think ones and fives) and some reusable bags to help you carry your finds.
Choosing the right garage sale
You usually can tell right away what people are selling. Some are selling off their too small baby items, others have tools, etc. But as a crafter, you will be looking for things you can recycle, reuse or redesign.

Check the ads. Most times when people post an advertising for a garage sale, they will list the items they have available. Some even post a picture of their tables!
Sales advertised as “estate sales” will usually price their items higher but normally the whole house is on sale so there will a large selection of items. “Multi-family” sales also have a larger selection due to the number of vendors that are participating.

Upon arrival, do a quick scan to see if it is worth further investigation. If you don’t see anything interesting in your quick scan and you have more sales to attend, move on.
When to go
Get there early for the best selection. Whomever coined the phrase “get it before it’s gone” must have been referring to garage sales. I have seen the item of my dreams walking out of the garage in the arms of some other woman! The later you arrive, the prices may be better but you will have less inventory to choose from. If you are out on a whole day adventure, try to visit the garage sale you think will have the most items of interest first.
Many garage sale hosts are ready to bargain. But always remember: Be fair. If they wanted to give the item away, they would have done that already.
If you have found two to three things you love, bargain in bulk. A vendor may see they have the chance to get rid of a few things, they may be more willing to drop the price. I got three things that totalled about $9.00 by simply saying – “I’ll take all this for $5.00”.

You will also get a better price at the end of the last day because most people don’t want to pack it all up. My sister stands at the garage door at the end of the day handing out grocery bags and shouting “Whatever you can fit in here – you can have for $1.00”. But be careful because as I warned you already – your dream item may be gone!!
Rummage definition – to search for something by moving things around carelessly and looking into, under, and behind them. Of course, because that is how you will find the best treasures!!
Half the fun of attending those garage sales is finding that special item hidden way in the back of the table.

I hope these garage sale tips help you find what you are looking for! And, I would love for you to share your garage sale treasures with me. Post them on Instagram @whatsnanamaking2019 #whatsnanamaking. Tell me about them in the comments below and if you like this post – don’t forget to share!!

I used to love love LOVE garage sales. I still do, but since we are traveling and living in our 5th wheel camper I have to curtail my garage sale outings! But I am going to keep your garage sale tips in mind, just in case. Thanks for linking up with us at the #GatheringofFriendsLinkParty 5