Tag blankets have increased in popularity in the last decade. Find out why are they so popular and how easy they are to make in less than an hour using scraps of fabric and ribbon with the following tutorial.
Learn how to make a simple, economical tab blanket that would be perfect as a quick and easy gift for a newborn baby! And BABIES LOVE THEM!!
What is a tag blanket and why are they so popular?
A tag or ribbon blanket is a small baby blanket that is bordered with loops of ribbon that are used mostly for babies comfort and sensory development. Babies can hold them and play with the colourful tags which helps in developing their cognitive skills. They are also great for teething.
You can also make them with a “crunchy” middle which helps develop babies senses. A tag blanket is a great way for babies to explore colors and textures by feeling with their hands.
Tag blankets can be made in any size, in any shape, in any color and in any design. I have used minky, fleece, cotton and flannel for fabric choices. See the suggestions following the tutorial for more ideas!!
To make a tag blanket, you will need two squares of fabric and a variety of ribbons. Your squares can be created as a quilt block, appliqued or embroidered. Be creative!!

For the “taggie” shown in the tutorial, I used one square of flannel and one square of minky, both 10 inches by 10 inches. This will finish at 9 x 9 inches. Cut your pieces of ribbon to 4 inches in length. The number of pieces of ribbon depends on how you want your blanket to look. I used 6 different ribbons per side or 24 pieces of ribbon.

The squares were cut from fabric in my stash and I was lucky to find this fabulous bag of ribbons at a garage sale for only $3.00!! So my cost for this tutorial was basically ZERO!

Fold your ribbons in half, wrong sides together and pin to the front square of the blanket. Space the ribbons evenly along the sides.

Baste the ribbons to the front square 3/8 inch from the edge. (This step is optional, however, I find that it helps keep the ribbons square and strengthens the sewing to avoid the ribbon from being pulled out of the seam).

Place the backing on top of the front with right sides together sandwiching the ribbons between the layers. Be sure the ribbons are lying flat and you will not catch them in the seam.
If you want to add “crunch” lay something crinkly on top of the back. This could be a chip bag, an empty baby wipe bag, or anything else that crunches.

Sew 1/2 inch from the edge all around the squares leaving an opening for turning.

Turn right side out and topstitch 1/4 inch from the edge closing the opening at the same time.

TA DA!! It was just that easy!!
I have seen tag blankets in all shapes and sizes. Google or Pinterest search and you too can find many, many styles. There are taggies shaped like animals, taggies made from patchwork, big taggies, small taggies and everything in between. Get creative!!
I made a taggie using the owl squares that were leftover from the owl quilt I made. It was approximately 12″ square when finished.

How about applique? Make the tag blanket from plain fabrics and add a cute little applique creature.
Use brightly colored ribbons. Babies love bright colors.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If so, please share! I would love to see your designs, leave me a comment below.
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